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Bone Cold

A plumber cuts into a wall at an old house searching for the source of a leak. Instead, he uncovers a gruesome sight—a woman's mummified body tied onto a chair. How long has she been there? Months? Years? Decades? Who is she? Will Texas Ranger Sarah Armstrong be able to interpret the strange symbols surrounding the body to find the woman's killer? Is this baffling case tied to one out of Sarah's past, unfinished business that still haunts her nightmares?


Meanwhile, Sarah's life is in turmoil. On her way home from dinner with a friend, a dispatch prompts Sarah to take a detour. Hoping to help two officers serve a warrant, she arrives at a chaotic scene. Sarah advises them to stand down and wait for help, but a trigger-happy cop shoots, and it all goes bad. An innocent man is killed, leading to a courtroom confrontation that puts Sarah's actions under a microscope and her face in the headlines, endangering her family and her life.


The two cases intertwine and take Sarah on a terrifying journey, leading her to reevaluate her life, her choices, and her future.



Praise for the Sarah Armstrong Mystery Series


"Casey is clearly talented and has the makings of a robust and long-lasting series character." – The Baltimore Sun


"Solid crime fiction with a real feel for the humanity of the characters." – Booklist


"Casey has a deft touch with dialogue and character development." – Cleveland Plain Dealer


"An outstanding series." – Library Journal


"Sarah Armstrong is an impressive character." – Romantic Times


"Compassionate characters and several scumbags." - Dallas Morning News

"Casey knows how to keep readers turning the pages to get to the stirring conclusion." – the Abilene Reporter



Praise for Kathryn Casey

"Extensive research, beautifully told." —#1 New York Times bestselling author Gregg Olsen


"Casey is one of the best." —#1 New York Times bestselling author Ann Rule


"I love Kathryn Casey—always smart, always scary, and always pitch-perfect." —Ron Franscell, bestselling author of Morgue: A Life in Death